URL Functions

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jrg45 at pantheon dot yale dot edu
22 years ago
Note that $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] may not include GET data that was included in the referring address, depending on the browser. So if you rely on GET variables to generate a page, it's not a good idea to use HTTP_REFERER to smoothly "bounce" someone back to the page he/she came from.
verdy_p at wanadoo dot fr
23 years ago
Note also that the URL shown in $HTTP_REFERER is not always the URL of the web page where the user clicked to invoke the PHP script.
This may instead be a document of your own web site, which contains an HTML element whose one attribute references the script. Note also that the current page fragment (#anchor) may be transmitted or not with the URL, depending on the browser.
<FRAME src="your-page-script.php"8>
<IMAGE src="your-image-script.php">

In such case, browsers should transmit the URL of the container document, but some still persist in using the previous document in the browser history, and this could cause a different $HTTP_REFERER value be sent when the user comes back to the document referencing your script. If you wanna be sure that the actual current document or previous document in the history is sent, use client-side JavaScript to send it to your script:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><!--
document.writeln('<FRAME src="your-page-script.php?js=1&amp;ref=' +
document.location + '">');
<FRAME src="your-page-script.php?js=0">

And then check the value of $js in your page script to generate appropriate content when the remote user agent does not support client-side scripts (such as most index/scan robots, some old or special simplified browsers, or browsers with JavaScript disabled by their users).
php at malaker dot com
20 years ago
Following method do not show the URL in user browser (as the author claimed) if the code resides in the source page of FRAME or IFRAME (say SRC="sourcepage.php") . In that case the URL of the SOURCE page is displayed.

$url = sprintf("%s%s%s","http://",$HTTP_HOST,$REQUEST_URI);
echo "$url";

Expected result: http://localhost/urltest/framedpage.php

Actual result: http://localhost/urltest/sourcepage.php
chemanfit at hotmail
21 years ago
just a side note to the above you will need to add the ?


dday at cnscorp dot com
19 years ago
When using a multiple select on a form, I ran into a little issue of only receiving the last value form the select box.
I had a select box named organization_id with two values (92 and 93).
To get the values of both, I had to use the following:

$temp_array = split("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
foreach($temp_array as $key=>$value){
if(substr($value, 0, 15) == "organization_id"){
$_GET['organizations'][] = substr($value, 15, strlen($value));

this results in a $_GET array like this :

[page] => idea_submission
[organization_id] => 93
[organizations] => Array
[0] => =92
[1] => =93

tumor at kkt dot bme dot hu
24 years ago
To check if a URL is valid, try to fopen() it. If fopen() results an error (returns false), then PHP cannot open the URL you asked. This is usually because it is not valid...
21 years ago
May be this is obvious but helps me since I found it:
If I want to append a variable to the url and pass it to the same page. ( in this example I'm using action=email to include an email form on the user click) i do:

// ...

<a href="<? echo $PHP_SELF,'?',$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],'&action=email' ?>">email to us</a>

// ...

/* somewhere in the the page (in my case at the bottom) I have: */

<? if ($action=='email') include('emailForm.htm'); ?>
martin at limitless dot co dot uk
17 years ago
Each %xx represents a letter. You would need to remove %68%74%74%70%3a%2f%2f (http://) from the beginning.
ignacio paz posse
21 years ago
Note on the above: the point is that is that using $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] along with $PHP_SELF we will have passed whatever variables are already appended (as they might be needed for database queries)

example, given the following url: http://www.your_domain/somepage.php?variable=1;

using $PHP_SELF" we are passing
[scheme]:(http://), [host]: www.your_domain/ and [path]: somepage.php

adding $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], we pass that, plus [query]: variable=1
stephane-wantiez at tiscalinet dot be
22 years ago
if you do this, it will be easier :
echo "http://{$HTTP_HOST}{$REQUEST_URI}";
postmaster at asmatic dot ch
22 years ago
If you want to get the filename requested on a global error page like a 404, just use this code...

// get the full var...

// part[1] is the url...
// part[0] is the http code (404, etc).
if(strpos($page,";")>0) {
$pageParts = explode(";",$page);
$page = $pageParts[1];

// get only the filename...
$page = basename($page);
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