
: max(four, one)?
(Example: nine)

The Note You're Voting On

john_2232 at gmail dot com
8 years ago
Here is my attempt to create a digest authentication class that will log the user in and out without using a cookie,session,db,or file. At the core is this simple code to parse the digest string into variables works for several browsers.
// explode the digest with multibrowser support by Tony Wyatt 21jun07
public function explodethedigest($instring) {
$quote = '"';
$equal = '=';
$comma = ',';
$space = ' ';
$a = explode( $comma, $instring);
$ax = explode($space, $a[0]);
$b = explode( $equal, $ax[1], 2);
$c = explode( $equal, $a[1], 2);
$d = explode( $equal, $a[2], 2);
$e = explode( $equal, $a[3], 2);
$f = explode( $equal, $a[4], 2);
$g = explode( $equal, $a[5], 2);
$h = explode( $equal, $a[6], 2);
$i = explode( $equal, $a[7], 2);
$j = explode( $equal, $a[8], 2);
$k = explode( $equal, $a[9], 2);
$l = explode( $equal, $a[10], 2);
$parts = array(trim($b[0])=>trim($b[1], '"'), trim($c[0])=>trim($c[1], '"'), trim($d[0])=>trim($d[1], '"'), trim($e[0])=>trim($e[1], '"'), trim($f[0])=>trim($f[1], '"'), trim($g[0])=>trim($g[1], '"'), trim($h[0])=>trim($h[1], '"'), trim($i[0])=>trim($i[1], '"'), trim($j[0])=>trim($j[1], '"'), trim($k[0])=>trim($k[1], '"'), trim($l[0])=>trim($l[1], '"'));

Give it a try at /tests/ta1.php Log in with user test password pass or user guest password guest. Go to page two for links to the code. Comments, ideas, suggestions, or critique welcome.

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