
: seven plus two?
(Example: nine)

The Note You're Voting On

Youssef Omar
14 years ago
This is to show the affect of changing property of object A through another object B when you pass object A as a property of another object B.

// data class to be passed to another class as an object
class A{
$this->info = "eeee";

// B class to change the info in A obj
class B_class{

$this->A_obj = $A_obj;
public function
$this->A_obj->info = $newVal;

// create data object from the A
$A_obj = new A();
// print the info property
echo 'A_obj info: ' . $A_obj->info . '<br/>';

// create the B object and pass the A_obj we created above
$B_obj = new B_class($A_obj);
// print the info property through the B object to make sure it has the same value 'eeee'
echo 'B_obj info: ' . $B_obj->A_obj->info . '<br/>';

// chage the info property
// print the info property through the B object to make sure it changed the value to 'xxxxxx'
echo 'B_obj info after change: ' . $B_obj->A_obj->info . '<br/>';
// print the info property from the A_obj to see if the change through B_obj has affected it
echo 'A_obj info: ' . $A_obj->info . '<br/>';


The result:

A_obj info: eeee
B_obj info: eeee
B_obj info after change: xxxxx
A_obj info: xxxxx

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