I?ve found an easy way to hide php code and the uri is searchable by google and others...(only for unix or linux)
At first I have some rules in my hide.conf (i made an extra .conf for it (apache 2.0))
For example when I want to mask the index.php
<Files index>
ForceType application/x-httpd-php
My problem is, that my code should be readable...
so I made an extra folder for example srv/www/htdocs/static_output
My phpcode is in the includefolder....(for ex. mnt/source/index.php)
Then I made a link in the shell > ln mnt/source/index.php srv/www/htdocs/static_output/index
So the code is readable (with .php extension) in my includefolder and there is only the link in the srv folder without extension(which is called by the browser...).