
: eight minus five?
(Example: nine)

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php-net dot ucn dot extranet dot sys at dark-chiaki dot net
16 years ago
In addition to mfyahya at gmail dot com (2007-06-07 03:33):

If You are working with the Apache module mod_rewrite and want to set some environment vars, the Apache manual says this vars could be accessed in CGI using $ENV{VAR}. In PHP You might want to write $_ENV['VAR'] to get the value of VAR, but You have to access if via $_SERVER, and in some different ways:

1. Example: .htaccess and example.php

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^?var1=([^;]*);var2=([^;]*)$ \
- [E=VAR1:$1,E=VAR2:$2]

<?php echo($_SERVER['VAR1']."\r\n"
.$_SERVER['VAR2']); ?>

2. Example: .htaccess and index.php

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteRule ?var1=([^;]*);var2=([^;]*)$ \
index.php [E=VAR1:$1,E=VAR2:$2]

<?php echo($_SERVER['REDIRECT_VAR1']."\r\n"

Note: If any RewriteRule matches, an internal redirect than restarts (after the last defined rule, or immediately after the matched rule having a L-flag) checking the entire rule set again. For an internal redirect every defined VAR gets an 'REDIRECT_' prefix, i.e. VAR1 will be REDIRECT_VAR1, VAR2 will be REDIRECT_VAR2.

Of course, You can (additionally) redefine the original VAR:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ \
RewriteRule ?var1=([^;]*);var2=([^;]*)$ \
index.php [E=VAR1:$1,E=VAR2:$2]

With this, You will have $_SERVER['REDIRECT_VAR*'] -and- $_SERVER['VAR*'].


The given examples are only for explanation, in any case they are not intended to fit Your needs. The "\<CRLF><SP>" in the .htaccess examples are only for display purpose, they should not occur in a real .htaccess file. The argument separator ';' in links can also be '&', but this may cause some trouble with HTML/XHTML. See the following pages for more information about this issue:

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