
: min(six, one)?
(Example: nine)

The Note You're Voting On

3 years ago
We can pass many arguments directly into the hashbang line.
As example many ini setting via the -d parameter of php.
#!/usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=2048M -d post_max_size=0
./script | grep memory
memory_limit => 2048M => 2048M
But we can also use this behaviour into a second script, so it call the first as an interpreter, via the hashbang:
#!./script arg1 arg2 arg3
However the parameters are dispatched in a different way into $argv

All the parameters are in $argv[1], $argv[0] is the interpreter script name, and $argv[1] is the caller script name.

To get back the parameters into $argv, we can simply test if $argv[1] contains spaces, and then dispatch again as normal:

#!/usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=2048M -d post_max_size=0
if (
strpos($argv[1], ' ') !== false){
$argw = explode(" ", $argv[1]);
array_unshift($argw, $argv[2]);
$argv = $argw;
var_dump($argv); ?>
array(3) {
string(8) "./script"
string(15) "arg1 arg2 arg3 "
string(14) "./other_script"
array(4) {
string(8) "./other_script"
string(4) "arg1"
string(4) "arg2"
string(4) "arg3"
This will maintain the same behaviour in all cases and allow to even double click a script to call both parameters of another script, and even make a full interpreter language layer. The other script doesn't has to be php. Take care of paths.

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