
never is a return-only type indicating the function does not terminate. This means that it either calls exit(), throws an exception, or is an infinite loop. Therefore, it cannot be part of a union type declaration. Available as of PHP 8.1.0.

never is, in type theory parlance, the bottom type. Meaning it is the subtype of every other type and can replace any other return type during inheritance.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

ali1289445 at gmail dot com
1 year ago

function sayHello(string $name): never
"Hello, $name";
// if we comment this line, php throws fatal error

sayHello("John"); // result: "Hello, John"
mateusz dot charytoniuk at protonmail dot com
11 months ago
Overriding the return type of native interfaces:


class ReadonlyArrayAccess implements ArrayAccess
public function
__construct(private readonly $array) {}

public function
offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool
return isset(

public function
offsetGet(mixed $offset): mixed

public function
offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value): never
throw new
LogicException('This array is read only');

public function
offsetUnset(mixed $offset): never
throw new
LogicException('This array is read only');
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