Download Logos and Icons
Do not just include the graphic from our servers on your page!
Copy the image to your site please.
In case you have found some PHP logos, icons or other material around
the web, feel free to point those out to us, so we can include them here,
if appropriate. And oh, if you're wondering about the font we used, it's
called Handel
PHP logo
The author Colin Viebrock released the PHP logo as
Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International, feel free to reuse, do not
forget the terms of use:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link
to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any
reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses
you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material,
you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
Alternative logo
Levi Morrison created this alternative version to use on
Other logos and graphics
The images marked with a * are
the images we recommend to display on your website, in case you are unable
to choose from the formats. Note however, that some combinations of
browser/operating system don't handle transparent PNG images very well.

(not exactly as shown)
* |

(not exactly as shown)
- 250 x 134 pixels
- white background
- large scale for presentations, etc.
- TIF format
* |
- 95 x 51 pixels
- transparent background
- suitable for any background
- PNG format
- 95 x 51 pixels
- transparent background
- suitable for white/light backgrounds
- GIF format
- 95 x 51 pixels
- transparent background
- suitable for black/dark backgrounds
- GIF format
* |
- 88 x 31 pixels
- "Powered by PHP" logo
- black text on transparent background
- PNG format
- 88 x 31 pixels
- "Powered by PHP" logo
- black text on solid white background
- GIF format
* |
- 88 x 31 pixels
- "Powered by PHP" logo
- white text on transparent background
- PNG format
- 88 x 31 pixels
- "Powered by PHP" logo
- white text on solid black background
- GIF format

* |
- 32 x 32 pixels
- transparent background
- suitable for any background
- PNG format
- 32 x 32 pixels
- transparent background
- suitable for white/light backgrounds
- GIF format
- 32 x 32 pixels
- transparent background
- suitable for black/dark backgrounds
- GIF format

(not exactly as shown)
- PHP icon resource for Windows
- suitable as icons for your desktop
48x48, 32x32 and 16x16 sizes, in each of 16 colour,
256 colour, and true colour formats ...
all in one .ICO file
- ICO format

(not exactly as shown)
- PHP icon resource for Windows
- suitable as icons for file extensions like .php and .phtml
- 32x32 and 16x16 sizes, in true colour format... all in one .ICO file
- these icons are made by Gonzalo de la Pea
- ICO format

(not exactly as shown)
- PHP icon resource for Windows
- suitable as icons for file extensions like .php and .phtml
- 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16 sizes, in each of Windows XP Alpha, 256 colour, and 16 colour formats... all in one .ICO file
- these icons are made by Travis Carden (AM)
- ICO format

(not exactly as shown)
- PHP icon resource for Windows XP [use only on WinXP!]
- suitable as icons for file extensions like .php and .phtml
48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16 sizes, in each of 16 colour, 256 colour,
and true colour formats... all in one .ICO file
- these icons are made by Jonathan Metillon
- XP ICO format